Stream: @kcrooms3 Let's Us into his World with 'To a Hell of a Life' Album
To a Hell of a Life by Khari Crooms is a 14 track LP that has production credits from himself, Mr. Collipark, Mr. Hanky, DvDx (EUPHONIA), Dahron "Shad" Crooms, Shaigi, and Michael Ferrier. With so many producers being a part of the creation of this project, you can hear the depth in his versatility. From performing in intense/lyrical pockets like "Hell or Life" and "Souls of Black Folk" to more soulful feels in songs like "Ridin Down 85" and "DiD" to even melodic harmonic songs like "Lettin Go" and "My Course" from the moment you hear the voice of his mentor in "KELLY KING" to Khari's poetic reflection in "The Awakening", you are truly in Khari's world.