Rich Government's FranceauthaGod keeps the releases coming with five new tracks off his Phases of the Night EP. On the project, he grabs Teesteez, CodyGotBeats, and Tadeo Hill for production and rides on each track. FranceauthaGod has a wave that's undeniable, with his signature raspy voice and flow. If you're not familiar, now is your time.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Stream @franceauthagod's 'Phases of the Night' EP
Rich Government's FranceauthaGod keeps the releases coming with five new tracks off his Phases of the Night EP. On the project, he grabs Teesteez, CodyGotBeats, and Tadeo Hill for production and rides on each track. FranceauthaGod has a wave that's undeniable, with his signature raspy voice and flow. If you're not familiar, now is your time.