Mir Fontane of New Jersey drops off Macaroni Tony, a 10 track EP named after the artist's alter ego. We caught the rapper performing at the Audiomack house and was excited to immediately hear some new music from him. On Macaroni Tony, Fontane links with Kodie Shane on the stand out "New Friends" and connects with Drama on the Kenif Muse-produced "Hesitate". Along with Muse, we find Mir Fontane calls on Kev Rodgers on production.
"Macaroni Tony is a persona I created based on the rumors and misguided perspectives people made about me during my transition from underground to gaining mainstream attention," he tells XXL. "The Macaroni Tony EP is a short story I created to paint a picture of a mental struggle between trying to stay rooted to your hometown while also pursuing your own dreams outside of where you were raised."