Thursday, November 27, 2014

Feature: Have A Heart (@TheHopeAlyssa)

Thanksgiving is here and the word gratitude comes to mind. We should always show appreciation and give thanks to one another throughout the entire year.  However, if it slips our minds, Thanksgiving is one of the best times to get the message across.

Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. I can think of so many moments where I was so excited with a gift or an amazing meal and gave my mom a card. Literally from apple cinnamon pancakes in the morning to her amazing meatloaf, my mom knew that food made me happy. I always appreciated that. She would take me to the best restaurants in the city for no reason at all on a regular Wednesday. I felt like it was my duty to express to her how much everything she did meant to me.

Showing family and friends or even someone you don't know gratitude is one of the nicest things a
person can do. Whether it’s a co-worker who assists with a project or the cashier at Wal-Mart who
seems to be having a bad day, everyone deserves to feel essential. Acknowledging the kindness of
others is not only a good trait to possess but also can change a person's mood for a day or outlook on
life in general. Remember the golden rule.

"Treat people how you'd like to be treated"
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