Fashion is an art form and within that comes MANY avenues to approach the game. Shoes, Accessories, Handbags, Leather Goods, Menswear, Outwear... I could continue but I think you get the gist. T-Shirts and hats are not a means to an end. It has the indie fashion world in a uniform rut and frankly I am tired of seeing the same shit over and over. Please do something different, learn to sew, build a collection worthy of a show. These are the things that create longevity in a brand, we only want to see you grow and I just want designers to capture the essence of real fashion.
I have done some research on beginning designers and I am starting to list of designers and brands actually constructing clothes. These young designers are crafting beautiful collections so be on the lookout for more information on them in the near future. If you or anyone you know has a brand they would like to be featured send information to submissions@broke2dope.com.