Wednesday, May 15, 2013

4 Notable College Dropouts

Graduation season is here and many of you may be taking that walk across the stage. But, what about those who don't make it? Don't fret. There's a plethora of top celebs and heavy hitters who didn't get their degrees and they seem to be doing quite fine. Here's a list of college drop outs that made it big: 

source: Time
Mark Zuckerbeg - He attended Harvard University and formed the social media outlet Facebook straight from his dorm room. Known as a code prodigy, Zuckerberg created sites such as FaceSmash that were huge hits on campus. He dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year to complete work on Facebook, now one of the largest companies in the world. 

source: Twitter

Russell Simmons -  A hip hop mogul, who founded Def Jam Records with acts such as Beastie Boys and Run DMC. Started from his dorm room at Manhattan City College, his label grew to be one of the first major hip hop labels. He left college shy only a few credits in a degree in sociology, but is now one of the most powerful businessmen alive. 

source: mashable
Steve Jobs - He attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, an expensive school that his parents couldn't afford. Jobs dropped out after six months but continued to audit classes at the college. Jobs, along with Steve Wozniak to create Apple computers in his parent's garage. He became to co-founder of the company and creator of the iPhone, one of the most used phones in the world. 

source: Billboard
Kanye West - West attended art classes at the American Academy of Art in Chicago for one semester on scholarship, but transferred to the Chicago State University. While in school, he produced music for local artists. He soon dropped out to focus on his music career where he began working for big names like Jay Z and Alicia Keys. West titled his first album "College Dropout" after his decision and is now one of the most recognized rappers in the world. 

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