Monday, September 17, 2012

Own it.

College is the best time of our lives. Literally, this is the time where we can make mistakes and bounce back from them. College is also the perfect time to build credit, savings, and create assets. Many students are focusing on their future careers, but don't take the time to focus on their financial future. Have you set up a savings account? Are you putting money into it? It's not only important to save, but to also acquire assets. An asset is an economic resource that is anything that can be owned or controlled to produce value. This can include a car, home, laptop; basically, anything you  can OWN.

Don't you love when you worked hard enough to earn something. Well you can take a step further and work to own it. Many students rent items such as books, laptops, and more, but can actually use this time to start owning them. For example, instead of having a huge car payment, you can save money up to buy a car that will be completely yours! By making a car payment, you are paying more than the car is actually valued when you add in interest and fees!

Another example is home ownership. Many students are not worried about owning their own place and choose an apartment. While that is great option for college students, considering owning a loft or home is a great option too! This requires making a down payment, but the monthly payments can be as low as $300 a month! Once you finished, it's yours to keep or sell if you decide to move after graduation. Research your options in your area.

Building your assets helps you to build on your credit. When you graduate many doors will be open financially and career wise. Take the time to focus on your financial future as well! Starting early will give you a head start on life after graduation. It's coming,will you be prepared?

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